Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

#7 Daily Journal

Hello Friday!
What a new day!
Last night, I watched a movie with my roomate, the title was "unfaithful".
That was an interesting film, but at the half part of the film it was borring. However, I got many new life knowledge from that film.
Okay, I think that's all for today.
I hope tomorrow will be better.
See you! :D

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

#6 Daily Journal

Today's weather is really cold. Since yesterday afternoon, the rain was falling. I can't stand with this cold weather!
In the morning, I had morsyn class. I should come on time to this class. So, I already arrived at my campus at 6.35 a.m with my friend. I was very sleepy and not concentrate in the class. But at all, my morsyn class was good.
After that, I also had Intro to Lit class. Today, this class was very interesting to me. I got new knowladge about poet from this class.
I hope my day will be better tomorrow. I really wish that. Because during these days, I was really frustrated of my tasks and also my friends. :(