Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Riding Bicycle or Motorcycle

             In this recent time, people are very busy and need vehicles to make their life easy. There are many kind of vehicles that can be used by people. Now, there are two most famous vehicles that people usually use: bicycle and motorcycle. Both of these vehicles have their strengths and weaknesses. The three most differences of these vehicles are the healthy, air pollution, and the time and the cost.

            The first most difference between these two vehicles is the healthy. Riding bicycle is much healthier than riding motorcycle. Because when people ride it, all parts of their body are being worked. . It is really different when people ride motorcycle because they just sit and ride it. So, according from the healthy riding bicycle is better than riding motorcycle.

            The second difference is air pollution causes. Motorcycle must need gasoline to make it run well. Gasoline, itself causes the air pollution. It makes motorcycle being the causes of pollution. If the rider of motorcycle increases, it also causes for increasing air pollution. However, bicycle does not need gasoline. People just ride it only by actuating their foot. So, bicycle does not cause the air pollution.

            The third are the time and the cost. When people ride motorcycle, it can save more their time because people can go anywhere faster than ride bicycle. According to the cost, riding bicycle is more effective to save money, because it does not use gasoline like motorcycle. So, it also can save the supply of world gasoline.
            In conclusion, riding bicycle and riding motorcycle. According to their time, the cost, cares and healthy; the choice is really depends on the people who want to ride the vehicles. They can choose motorcycle if they think that time is more important than healthy. They also can choose bicycle if healthy is the most important. So, they should consider their needs and possibilities to choose the best vehicle for them because each vehicle has their strength and weakness.

5 komentar:

  1. I prefer to use motorcycle, because ride it faster than riding bicycle.

  2. that so different..............

    and if you fall down from bicycle it's not worse than motorcycle,ucok............


  3. in paragraph 3, the last line, you wrote "it can decrease the pollution and makes life more healthy." you mean "it can decrease and can make". So, it can be "it can decrease and make" don't use "s" in word "make"

  4. ride bicycle is a good choice, Ndah. It makes your body healthier and you can reduce the pollution. When you ride the bicycle, it means you are care with your world. Go Green ! keep writing, girl! :)

  5. good writing :) I prefer to ride motorcycle cok!
